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Lightroom Classic 2020 For Digital Photographers
Lesson Files and Extras
PART 1 Library
LrC_001__welcome Start here (5:39)
LrC_002_newest features_ (7:22)
LrC_003_overview of lightroom_ (8:18)
LrC_004_lifecycle-workflow_ (21:34)
LrC_005_lightroom prefs_ (12:18)
LrC_006_RAW_ (5:52)
LrC_007_XMP sidecar_ (5:37)
LrC_008_DNG_ (7:34)
LrC_009_importing from card_ (12:10)
LrC_010_import locally_ (3:48)
LrC_011_Auto Import_ (4:20)
LrC_012_tethered_ (9:28)
LrC_013_identity plate_ (3:47)
LrC_014_panel management_ (8:46)
LrC_015_volume browser_ (4:11)
LrC_016_view options_ (5:56)
LrC_017_filmstrip_ (6:22)
LrC_018_grid view_ (6:00)
LrC_019_stacks_ (8:16)
LrC_020_auto stack_ (5:44)
LrC_021_lights out_ (1:44)
LrC_022_loupe view_ (3:32)
LrC_023_compare_ (3:14)
LrC_024_survey_ (2:31)
LrC_025_previews_ (5:33)
LrC_026_Smart Previews_ (5:43)
LrC_027_dual monitor_ (5:52)
LrC_028_catalogs_ (15:12)
LrC_029_upgrade catalog_ (4:40)
LrC_030_catalog export_ (8:18)
LrC_031_catalog merge_ (10:20)
LrC_032_catalog change disk_ (3:22)
LrC_033_catalog move to other computer_ (9:04)
LrC_034_find missing photos_ (4:16)
LrC_035_integrating with CC mobile_ (6:04)
LrC_036_folders_ (4:10)
LrC_037_collections_ (9:24)
LrC_038_Quick and target collection_ (5:51)
LrC_039_Smart Collections_ (3:25)
LrC_040_backup_ (6:56)
LrC_041_metadata_ (6:21)
LrC_042_metadata template_ (3:19)
LrC_043_rating flag labels_ (4:35)
LrC_044_ratings_ (7:24)
LrC_045_flags_ (4:11)
LrC_046_labels_ (5:02)
LrC_047_filterbar_ (9:21)
LrC_048_keywords_ (7:24)
LrC_049_suggested keywords_ (1:41)
LrC_050_keyword sets_ (5:00)
LrC_051_painter_ (5:13)
LrC_052_Facial recognition_ (6:53)
LrC_053_update time_ (3:31)
PART 2 Develop
New Lecture
LrC_DEVELOP_001_Straighten_ (3:54)
LrC_DEVELOP_002_cropping_ (4:38)
LrC_DEVELOP_003_upright fix distortion_ (5:50)
LrC_DEVELOP_004_calibration_ (2:52)
LrC_DEVELOP_005_color readout LAB amd RGB_ (3:07)
LrC_DEVELOP_006_histogram_ (5:35)
LrC_DEVELOP_007_White Balance_ (3:11)
LrC_DEVELOP_008_quickdevelop_ (2:20)
LrC_DEVELOP_009_auto settings_ (1:36)
LrC_DEVELOP_010_basic panel_ (12:18)
LrC_DEVELOP_011_curves_ (16:55)
LrC_DEVELOP_012_HSL color_ (8:07)
LrC_DEVELOP_013_dehaze_ (3:53)
LrC_DEVELOP_014_texture_ (2:48)
LrC_DEVELOP_015_noise reduction_ (6:02)
LrC_DEVELOP_016_chromatic abberation_ (5:15)
LrC_DEVELOP_017_sharpening_ (5:02)
LrC_DEVELOP_018_recovershadows_ (3:02)
LrC_DEVELOP_019_fix dark image_ (3:52)
LrC_DEVELOP_020_fixing overexposed images_ (3:37)
LrC_DEVELOP_021_fix over exposure_ (4:57)
LrC_DEVELOP_022_add color to dull images__001 (4:46)
LrC_DEVELOP_023_virtual copy_ (3:07)
LrC_DEVELOP_024_snapshots_ (6:02)
LrC_DEVELOP_025_Black and White_ (7:18)
LrC_DEVELOP_026_splittone BW_ (3:19)
LrC_DEVELOP_027_cross process_ (6:50)
LrC_DEVELOP_028_presets_ (8:15)
LrC_DEVELOP_029_ISO Adaptive presets_ (8:12)
LrC_DEVELOP_030_loading presets_ (3:00)
LrC_DEVELOP_031_profiles (7:04)
LrC_DEVELOP_032_import color profiles_ (1:56)
LrC_DEVELOP_033_raw defaults_ (8:35)
LrC_DEVELOP_034_redeye_ (3:19)
LrC_DEVELOP_035_retouch faces_ (14:06)
LrC_DEVELOP_036_cloning and healing_ (6:22)
LrC_DEVELOP_037_Adjustment Brush_ (17:07)
LrC_DEVELOP_038_change color of objects_ (1:50)
LrC_DEVELOP_039_dodge and burn_ (19:53)
LrC_DEVELOP_040_gradient_ (5:20)
LrC_DEVELOP_041_graduated filter_ (7:26)
LrC_DEVELOP_042_Radial_ (6:26)
LrC_DEVELOP_043_range masking_ (8:37)
LrC_DEVELOP_044_rangemask depth_ (5:36)
LrC_DEVELOP_045_luminosity masks_ (13:09)
LrC_DEVELOP_046_vignette_ (3:48)
LrC_DEVELOP_047_special effects high impact_ (5:34)
LrC_DEVELOP_048_spacial effect vintage_ (5:43)
LrC_DEVELOP_049_day to night_ (18:42)
LrC_DEVELOP_050_Photoshop and LR_ (7:34)
LrC_DEVELOP_051_PS LR Raw_ (7:00)
LrC_DEVELOP_052_batch process_ (3:19)
LrC_DEVELOP_053_HDR_ (6:55)
LrC_DEVELOP_054_history_ (2:46)
LrC_DEVELOP_055_panorama_ (5:34)
LrC_DEVELOP_056_Advanced pano_ (6:37)
LrC_DEVELOP_057_HDR Panorama Auto (4:37)
LrC_DEVELOP_058_HDR Panorama Manual_ (7:55)
LrC_DEVELOP_059_Video Intro_ (6:28)
LrC_DEVELOP_060_video color grade_ (5:28)
LrC_DEVELOP_061_Video edit combine videos_ (4:33)
LrC_DEVELOP_062_video export_ (3:09)
New Lecture
LrC_OP001_watermark_ (6:53)
LrC_OP002_exporting images_ (11:52)
LrC_OP003_export preset_ (4:26)
LrC_OP004_multibatch export (2:36)
LrC_OP005_email_ (3:13)
LrC_OP006_maps_ (11:39)
LrC_OP007_Soft Proofing_ (7:00)
LrC_OP008_printing_ (9:36)
LrC_OP009_picture package contact sheet_ (18:09)
LrC_OP010_pic package custom layouts_ (5:55)
LrC_OP011_inpromptu slideshow_ (2:58)
LrC_OP012_slideshow intro_ (5:00)
LrC_OP013_Slideshow customize_ (20:52)
LrC_OP014_slideshow custom text_ (9:13)
LrC_OP015_pan and zoom_ (4:19)
LrC_OP016_Slideshow video_ (2:20)
LrC_OP017_Slideshow music_ (6:17)
LrC_OP018_Slideshow Exporting_ (6:16)
LrC_OP019_book 1 setup auto_ (9:31)
LrC_OP020_Book 2 custom layout_ (16:38)
LrC_OP021_book 3 text and finishing_ (16:00)
LrC_OP022_web gallery build_ (21:24)
LrC_OP023_web gallery_ (2:19)
LrC_OP024_thanks next steps (1:12)
LrC_014_panel management_
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