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Multishot Mayhem: HDR, Panorama and Time-Lapse in Photoshop CC 2017
Welcome to this training, what to expect (3:44)
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Intro To Time-lapse, how to shoot Time-Lapse (8:47)
Put Time-lapse together in Photoshop (2:52)
Adding Effects and Filters (7:15)
Exporting as Video and animated gif (8:28)
HDR explained (9:56)
How to shoot for HDR (5:45)
Camera Raw HDR Workflow (12:56)
Fixing Ghosting and other issues (4:55)
32-bit HDR in Photoshop. Professional workflow (24:51)
Tips for shooting Panoramas (4:14)
Camera Raw Panorama (7:14)
Panorama in Photoshop's Photo Merge (10:19)
Fixing warping (4:54)
Make an HDR Panorama: the ultimate photograph (7:18)
Make a fun tiny planet! (5:42)
Make a VR 360 for facebook, from any panorama, no special gear required. (12:12)
Thanks for watching, and next steps (2:33)
Exporting as Video and animated gif
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